Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Visualize Your Ideal Life

Creative visualization refers to the practice of seeking to affect the outer world via changing one's thoughts. Creative Visualization is the basic technique underlying positive thinking. The concept arose in the US with the nineteenth century New Thought movement. One of the first to practiced the technique of creative visualization was Wallace Wattles (1860 – 1911) who wrote "The Science of Getting Rich", which he believed was based on spiritual principles.

Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. It is purported to be accomplished by various means including expecting the best, focusing intensely on a desired goal, and repeating affirmations and the use of vision boards.

Creative Visualization is distinguished from normal daydreaming in that Creative Visualization is done in the first person and the present tense – as if the visualized scene were unfolding all around you; whereas normal daydreaming is done in the third person and the future tense – the “you” of the daydream is a puppet which the real “you” is watching from afar.

Visualization practices are a common form of spiritual exercise, especially in esoteric traditions. Some people use mandalas as a means of focusing their thoughts and thus manifesting their life vision. This is good if you have trouble controlling a roaming mind.

For more information about visualization techniques, download your complimentary free report here.