Traditionally, alchemy is portrayed as a man's activity. However, some of it's earliest and most famous practitioners were women! The most important alchemists were women like Mary the Jewess, Cleopatra, Isis, Theosebeia, and Paphnoutia. Indeed, the Axiom of Maria is a mystical precept in alchemy where "one becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the one as the fourth." It is attributed to 3rd century alchemist Maria Prohetissa. This axiom s an abstract concept is not unlike the concept of viral marketing today.
Today, the term alchemy has been combined with the concept of business and marketing. The old adage "rags to riches" is just another way of turning metal into gold for contemporary society. Like the ancient alchemists, successful internet marketers are well-versed in a wide variety of related concepts, rarely if ever relying on one stream of income for creating the wealth and abundance they seek and achieve.
Here are a couple of good reads for those interested in creating their own wealth and abundance through the use of these ancient secrets:
The Four Elements of Financial Alchemy: A New Formula for Personal Prosperity
The 5 Elements of Website Alchemy.: An article from: Bank Marketing